
Deepn offers a selection of professional services to meet your needs. Want to create a unique set-up together? Feel free to contact me!

Individual Breathwork Coaching

In these advanced coaching programs, we'll have 10 hours of individual coaching to help you understand your most essential currency at work: energy and attention.

Do you feel your (successful) career deserves a trusted companion for that extra edge in performance and energy management? I feel so too!

Whether it's a burning question about private life or a professional hurdle, individual coaching helps you forward. I work with an in-depth, no-nonsense approach where we address your challenges head-on, providing support, caring attention, and evidence-based strategies without judgment. With my expertise in teaching, research and coaching, and your expertise in being you, we can navigate your career journey together and unlock your fullest potential.

What does coaching include?

- Intake (optionally online)

- 4 in person coaching sessions of 2-2.5 hours

- Personalized plan for integration

At the end, you have the theory and tools (including an individual breathwork plan accompanied with additional resources) to use breathwork in your personal and professional life!

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Breathwork Masterclasses (group events)

During my masterclasses, we combine theory with practice. Why? Understanding the principles of functional breathing and the nervous system make you resilient and in charge of your energy. After our sessions, you know the essential theory behind functional breathing, and have experienced what (guided) breathwork can do for your professional and personal development. You know exactly what you need to do to relax, and power up, in any situation.

What does a masterclass include?

- Individual online intake

- 3 real life group sessions (4 hours per session; small groups, workshop setting)

- Personalized plan for integration

With my experience in sports, research, teaching, and event organization, we can adapt a breathwork masterclass to suit a wide range of groups and teams. The goals are set by you and your peers, allowing for a tailored approach to your needs!

Masterclasses can be hosted in-company, or at an external location, and are provided in either English or Dutch.

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PhD-candidate offer (@ The conscious academic)

From first hand experience I know that managing attention and energy are the core of a successful PhD. Although there are many supportive offers for PhD candidates, there is not much training and coaching available to explore your energy management, which links with important themes such as preventing burn- and bore out; increasing self-confidence; having focus; being creative; and many more! In a breathwork journey for PhDs I offer you some of the tools that can be helpful in presenting, concentration, motivation and... defending your dissertation. Interested? Let's get in touch!

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