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Breathwork: A Lifeline for Academics in the Storm of Intellectual Strain

Laura Lamers • nov 03, 2023

Why breathwork saved my academic journey - and how it can enhance yours

In the fast-paced world of academia, where the pursuit of knowledge collides with the pressures of competition and unrelenting stress, it's not uncommon for academic professionals to find themselves drowning in the turbulent sea of intellectual work. It's a realm where solitude and scholarly pursuits often blur the boundaries between private life and work, sometimes leaving (young) academic professionals feeling overwhelmed.

As someone who has walked the academic path, I understand this struggle all too well.

My journey through academia has been a rollercoaster ride, marked by moments of burnout and the relentless pursuit of balance. After a burnout during my bachelors, I've explored a myriad of tools and techniques in a quest to maintain my sanity while excelling in my academic pursuits. I tried many things to stop overusing my mind. From psychological therapy to (extreme) sports, yoga, retreats, mindfulness, reading, journaling, professional effectiveness training, sleep therapy, to dietary adjustments, quitting coffee and quitting alcohol, I've left no stone unturned in search of that wonderful equilibrium of headspace.

Many of these tools have indeed been valuable in my quest to balance the demands of intellectual work, and have a solid place in my personal and/or professional life. However, I didn't find the needed headspace until I was introduced to a unique practice that truly transformed my life - breathwork. In this blog, I want to share with you how this simple yet profound practice completely changed the game for me, and how it can do the same for you.

Breathwork: A Lifesaver in Any Situation

Breathwork, as I discovered, is a versatile tool that can be used anywhere, anytime. It doesn't require expensive gadgets or a secluded space; all you need is the intention to breathe and the willingness to let go. It's a practice that can be easily tailored to suit your specific needs, making it an ideal companion for anyone navigating the turbulent waters of academia.

The Joy of Breathing

One of the most remarkable aspects of breathwork is that it's not just effective; it's also enjoyable. While other stress management techniques might feel like chores on your to-do list, breathwork is a joyful and invigorating experience. It connects you to the simple yet profound act of breathing, something we often take for granted. Breathwork sessions can be both calming and energizing, providing you with a vital source of rejuvenation during long academic sessions. With each breath, you release the pent-up tension and gain clarity of mind, making it easier to navigate through complex research problems and projects.

Sharing the Gift of Breathwork

My personal transformation through breathwork has ignited a passion within me. I am eager to share this powerful tool with my fellow academics, young professionals, and knowledge workers. Our work is beautiful, but it demands a significant amount of headspace. And I firmly believe that everyone deserves access to practices that can help them reclaim their inner peace and creativity.

The journey of an academic is a noble and challenging one, and sometimes a little support and guidance is needed to thrive in this demanding world. Breathwork has been my compass to face the challenges of academia head-on, all while rediscovering the beauty of our work and the expansive world of possibilities it holds.

Remember, we are not alone in this academic adventure, and there's always a breath of fresh air waiting for us- literally. Take the plunge and

experience the transformation. You deserve it.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Thrive.


Best, Laura

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